Our latest interview is with Anielle Reid, who is running a campaign for the second printing of her Magick and Mediums Oracle. For anyone interested in Magick or who would like to bring a little Magick into their everyday lives, this deck is a must.
Kickstarter - Magick and Mediums Oracle
Where in the world do you call home?
What was your first experience with oracles and / or tarot and when did you fall in love with it?
My first experience with the tarot was with the Llewellyn tarot when I was very young. I fell absolutely in love with tarot again after encountering the Wildwood Tarot.
What made you want to create your own tarot deck? What was your inspiration?
My love for cards made me want to create my own oracle deck. My inspiration was my own experience with magick and life as a psychic-medium.
Aside from your own deck, do you have a favourite deck? If so, which one?
Yes, the Everyday Witch Tarot.
Do you have a favourite card (either from your deck or just the card in general). If so, why is it your favourite?
My favorite card is the Believe card from my Magick and Mediums Oracle. It is my favorite because I believe that the ability to believe is crucial in magick and in living the life of your dreams.
We are living in such crazy times. How has the pandemic affected your creativity?
The pandemic has not affected my creativity but it has impacted how I have to think about the creation of decks logistically. I have had to think about what countries outside of China would be the best to print my decks and source materials from.
What have been your challenges in creating this deck?
Picking a printer has been the most challenging.
Your deck incorporates divination, mediumship and spell casting. Do you find that the combination of all 3 creates a more powerful experience for the reader?
Yes I think the combination is very powerful because it allows the reader to get information from the other side and then apply it into their world. This combination allows readers to have a more magical experience and a more empowering experience than they would from a deck that doesn’t incorporate these elements.
How will you celebrate when the deck is finally published?
I will celebrate the end of this Kickstarter campaign by allowing myself to experience gratitude for myself and others.
What is on offer for people who pledge?
People who pledge to the campaign can get the:
Magick and Mediums Oracle Deck, a 45 card deck with an 152 page guidebook in a fully illustrated box
A 22x22in soft cotton reading cloth with artwork from the deck
A fully illustrated softcover journal filled with writing prompts, inspirational quotes and space to document their card reads.
To enhance your reading experience with a touch of Magick , pledge here:
Kickstarter - Magick and Mediums Oracle