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Shades of Gold

Our latest interview is with F. Nathan, the creator of Shades of Gold - Modern Tarot Deck in a "New" World. The deck was created for those interested in experiencing the old teachings in the "New World". It’s intended for those willing to deepen their connection with their true selves, accept and make small changes that will ultimately lead you toward the true divine nature of yourself.

This deck is extremely unique in that the drawings and design were created by the Author themself through meditation and intuitive downloads of guided Divine messages for the collective in the now.

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Where in the world do you call home?

I truly believe in the phrase “Home Is Where the Heart Is.” To me, this World with everybody in it is home for as long as I am physically alive. So, there is no exact destination or place I could point to because it all feels like home.

What was your first experience with tarot?

My first experience with tarot came from an oracle deck purchased by my soul sister which was the first I ever laid hands on. At that point, I realized how much of our life is truly iterated by the cards that are laid out. It isn’t something that can be read off guidebooks or a “normal” belief system. It all came from within the soul.

What would you say is unique about your deck?

I would say this deck is unique as more than the drawings are spiritually downloaded ideas that cannot be found on available tarot decks at present, they are about carrying some of the “Old” ideas into the present “New” World of the collective.

How long has it taken you to create this deck?

I took about 6 weeks to complete the drawing and finalization. Once I started, I couldn’t stop as the spiritual messages and intuition just kept flowing.

Can you explain the purpose of the hidden messages and identification numbers in some of the cards?

In some of the cards, the numbers are still retained as those of the standard Rider-Waite and other decks available. These are some of the “Old” I have kept on to allow some of the readers to still understand and relate to them. The hidden messages are what I call the “New”. If you ask me tarot reading is all about intuition, it has nothing to do with guidelines or something that can just be assumed. True messages are attained by those who are able to tap into the Third Eye and Crown Chakra and it relates to each individual being read for differently. Hence, these messages can definitely be brought forth by those with the ability to do it.

What card are you most proud of and why?

I am very happy with the entire deck but if I had to choose one then I’d go with the card of Saint Michael. It represents the Throat Chakra and I believe that life is all about speaking “Your Truth”, standing for justice, and using words in the best manner possible. The essence of the representation of the image speaks volumes to me.

What impact would you like your deck to have on its readers?

I would hope that readers would be able to incorporate the “New” World into the “Old” and let the cards speak to them by themselves. There is no wrong way or right way. It’s just the intuitive, “sense of knowing” way.

What have been your challenges in creating this deck?

There were no challenges when it came to the design. However, I would say the main challenge was finalizing the size and resizing for the printers.

With everything going on in the world, do you believe it is easier or harder for people to connect to The Divine?

I truly believe that the Divine has, is, and always will be trying to connect to people through any life situation for that matter. Right now, it seems like what’s going on at present is the “worst” situation for many as it’s happening globally. But honestly, through life, we experience many things, and that guidance has never stopped. It’s just that we haven’t truly opened our eyes to connect with the Divine. So, it’s always easy but the true question is “How many of us are willing and listening to it?”

How will you celebrate when the deck is finally published?

My celebration happens when people are able to use it to the utmost good of the collective and when they are able to come back and share their stories with me. It would be great to know how each individual story is always different but all relatable from different contexts.

What is on offer for people who pledge?

We offered early bird prices for those who pledged, and we are coming up with ideas at the current moment for those pledging. So, stay tuned on the site for more info!

To deepen your connection with yourself and the Divine, pledge here:

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