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Starry Beginnings Oracle

Updated: Jun 13, 2020

This galactic themed oracle deck is truly a work of art - from it's positive, uplifting messages to it's amazing visual appeal. It's creator, Cassi White, has tied the two together with a sense of unity and hope.

Kickstarter - Starry Beginnings

Where in the world do you call home?

Central Coast, on the east coast of Australia

What was your first experience with tarot or oracle and when did you fall in love with it?

My first experience was when I joined a beach meditation group, over ten years ago, and the lady that ran the group had a wide selection of oracle decks. Before each meditation, we would each choose an oracle deck that appealed to us and choose a card from the deck. The cards always gave me the messages I needed to hear. The intuitive guidance I received brought healing and reassurance to whatever situation or questions I needed help with.

I fell in love with oracle decks from then. Oracle cards are so easy to use, the messages bring clarity and positivity, and are empowering and healing. In times of anxiety and uncertainty, they help me find peace and comfort. I love that!

If I'd found oracle cards when I was younger, I believe it would have given me huge support for those times when life seems so difficult to navigate.

What made you want to create this deck? What was your inspiration?

Last year, I really stepped up my oracle card use. I was having difficulty dealing with my emotional self. As a super sensitive person, I found that each day I would ride the emotional roller coaster and it was very unsettling. So last March, I would make time every day to sit with my cards, intuitively choose the card that I needed and use its positive, empowering message to meditate with.

Creative writing is my passion, so after my meditating, I began automatic writing. Whatever messages came through me I would write down. The words flowed onto the page, I would read them back and found them to be healing and uplifting. They really helped me clear and balance my emotions, giving me unconditional love and healing, and the courage to step onto my own unique path.

I was guided to share these messages by creating my own oracle cards. They have a galactic theme, which I love, the information comes from beyond this world to heal humanity.

Aside from your own deck, do you have a favourite deck? If so, which one?

I have lots of oracle decks that I love to work with - Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Flower Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves, Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish, Animal Magic by Alexis Cartwright - but the one I use the most is the Liquid Crystal Oracle by Justin Moikeha Asar.

Do you have a favourite card (either from your deck or just the card in general). If so, why is it your favourite?

It is difficult to choose, I love them all. If I had to choose, my absolute favourite card from my deck would be, number 28 - You are your greatest gift, Your life's journey is your masterpiece.

I love this card because it reminds us that we are all amazing, just as we are. That life, no matter the ups and downs, is a path of learning. We need to be supportive and loving of ourselves, no matter our mistakes. We are a gift, our journey is a gift - and to love, unconditionally, who we are.

What have been your challenges in creating this deck?

Working with the images was a challenge, it took time to get them the way I want so they are clear and beautiful for the deck. But I'm so happy with the way they turned out and know they will look amazing as oracle cards.

What is one thing you really want people to know about this deck?

Starry Beginnings is an oracle deck for everyone. It's easy to use. The channelled messages are powerfully uplifting, and the images are beautiful and draw you in to help connect with your intuitive self, bringing love, healing and positive messages into your life.

I also loved creating this deck. It's wonderful to see the mock images in their full colour and I can't wait to have them made into cards.

The messages for the cards are channelled, were you guided to create the cards based on galactic images to match the messages?

The channelled messages came first, and then I was guided to choose the galactic images that complement the messages.

How will you celebrate when your deck is finally published?

Good question. I really need to give that some thought. I can't wait to have my own deck in my hands, to let it work its magic on me. I would celebrate by taking my family out to dinner for a well earned meal. They've all had to put up with me putting all of my time into creating this deck. They love Starry Beginnings too, and have been very supportive in helping me on this creative journey.

What is on offer for people who pledge?

Backers will receive a copy of the 44-card deck with a 100 page guidebook in a sturdy 2-part box. The larger pledges offer a companion journal & 2 stickers in addition to the deck, if we meet the stretch goals the cards will be upgraded with holographic edging.

To get your hands on of these decks, click here: Starry Beginnings

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